AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration

AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration
By Aarna Networks Inc.
Certified enterprise ready
AMCOP is an open-source platform for 5G network services and edge computing applications deployed on public or private Kubernetes clusters that orchestrates CNFs with a GUI frontend or REST API.
Software version
Runs on
OpenShift 4.6 - 4.10
Delivery method
Our core platform is an open-source orchestration, lifecycle management, and real-time policy-driven closed-loop automation platform for 5G network services and edge computing applications. We use parts of LF Networking ONAP (EMCO and CDS) along with other CNCF projects. Open source is often a reference implementation for standards. We assure interoperability with NFVI and CNFs/CNAs. Note: Value adds components (network slicing, SON, analytics) are proprietary.
AMCOP interfaces with OSS/BSS (northbound) and multiple heterogeneous Kubernetes (K8s) clusters (southbound). It includes the Intel OpenNESS EMCO open source project for intent-based orchestration and day 0 configuration of network services and composite edge computing applications.
CNF Configuration
For day N configuration we use ONAP CDS project for and lifecycle management and components of ONAP DCAE project for real-time policy driven closed loop automation.
Comprehensive 5G Support
AMCOP supports 5G Core, 5G RAN Orchestration, O-RAN A1, O1 interface, REST, NETCONF/RESTCONF configuration management. We support CNF, VNF, and PNFs. SON, Network Slicing, Analytics (NRTRIC, DAF, etc.) Supports CNFs & CNAs directly; or via an Operator or sVNFM/EMS