AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration logo

AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration

AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration logo
AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration logo

AMCOP platform for 5G CNF Orchestration

By Aarna Networks Inc.

Certified enterprise ready

AMCOP is an open-source platform for 5G network services and edge computing applications deployed on public or private Kubernetes clusters that orchestrates CNFs with a GUI frontend or REST API.

Software version


Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.10

Delivery method


  1. Free trial

    Free Trial

    For 30 days


    The trial version of AMCOP is available now for free. With this version one can orchestrate CNF's using the GUI.

    Contact sales

    Orchestrate CNF

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Free trial

Free Trial

For 30 days


The trial version of AMCOP is available now for free. With this version one can orchestrate CNF's using the GUI.

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Orchestrate CNF

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