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Cognitive Assistant for Networks

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Avanseus Cognitive Assistant for Networks logo
Avanseus Cognitive Assistant for Networks logo

Cognitive Assistant for Networks

By Avanseus

Certified enterprise ready

Avanseus Cognitive Assistant for Networks (CAN), applies AI and machine learning to predict where a network is likely to fail next, and what to do before it happens.

Software version


Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.9

Delivery method


The Avanseus CAN remedies the inefficiencies, and instability faced by a growing network by predicting potential failure of network events and recommending preventive measures. It helps to detect failure that cannot be identified by existing network monitoring systems and uses advanced machine learning for efficient network operations. The solution analyzes relevant network data, recommends action, improves network availability, and reduces the need to spend time on internal root cause analysis.

Prediction of network incidents in advance

The Avanseus CAN (Cognitive Assistant for Networks) platform automatically predicts future faults in the network 7 to 30 days in advance (configurable) and recommends the root cause of the failure based on historical fault patterns and aid NOC and Field Teams to effectively manage these failures by proactively performing preventive actions. Predictions are provided as “ticket-ready” i.e. clubbed at node or port level and selected based on impact. This ultimately helps reduce TT by more than 30%.

Predicting KPI degradation

The platform automatically predicts network performance KPIs and identify the potential threshold violation cases. Platform collects PM counters or KPI data from a KPI data lake or source systems in a “near real time” manner, may be at a frequency of 15 minutes or 1 hour depending on the capability of the provider system. Analyzing this data, it is able to predict possible KPI violation in next ‘X’ hours. The platform can predict KPIs for any technology or domain.

Health index monitoring and predictions of VNFs & CNFs

While 5G and Telco cloud will have large scale implementation of NFVs running on commodity hardware, the downsides are virtualised network functions (VNFs), cloud native functions (CNFs) & their host commodity servers are more failure prone than dedicated hardware, and virtualization introduces more layering and less visibility into lower layer faults. Avanseus CAN (AI platform) is able to address these challenges by providing performance predictions of VNFs & CNFs and remedial actions.

Pricing summary

Plans starting at

Per node

$120 USD

View all pricing options

Includes all the features including Failure prediction and performance degradation prediction.

Predict and prevent service degradation for your virtualized environment. Install with just 3 clicks

Get auto RCA (root cause analysis) and Closed loop automation along with VNF degradation prediction.

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