Budgeting Solutions FastStart

Budgeting Solutions FastStart
By Budgeting Solutions
Budgeting Solutions FastStart® is an out of the box solution powered by IBM Planning Analytics
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Budgeting Solutions FastStart® is an out of the box solution powered by IBM Planning Analytics with pre-configured connectors to most ERP solutions and a data model that reflects how organisations plan, analyse and report.
Replace excel spreadsheets with one version of the truth
Budgeting Solutions FastStart's ability to support enterprise-scale data volumes (thanks to its ability to manage data sparsity in multidimensional planning cubes) reduces the need to move or replicate data, and helps analysts deliver a “single version of the truth” to management.
Integrate with multiple data sources
FastStart integrates with multiple data sources and enables comparative analysis of information from all relevant systems. Users can perform complex dimensional calculations and analysis of, for example, product and customer profitability, supply chain options, sales mix, and price/volume variance.
Speed up your budgeting, forecasting and planning
Users can create customised applications to manage, facilitate, and increase participation in the planning, budgeting, forecasting and reporting processes. Budget and Planning Managers can create plans with multiple stages - and multiple steps within each stage. Once created, they can then invite participants, outline submission requirements, assign due dates and monitor the progress of plan activities.
Automate your management and financial reporting
Everybody needs to produce management accounts but increasingly these are online, interactive and include key metrics using dashboards rather than a pdf pack. But they have to reconcile to the trial balance and we connect to those accounting systems. Our application template is a starting point for management reporting complete with connectivity to the most common ERP and accounting solutions.