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CircleCI - CI/CD

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CircleCI - CI/CD

By CircleCI

The world's best cloud-native Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery solution. Build, test and deploy for Linux, macOS, Docker, and Windows, in the cloud or on your server

Delivery method


CircleCI is the largest continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) platform. CircleCI offers the widest choice to customize operating systems, CPUs, GPUs, memory and images for each job. Build for Docker, Windows, Linux, Arm and macOS or build your own compute with runners, all for free. CircleCI is GDPR compliant, SOC II and FedRAMP certified. Teams can orchestrate complex workflows in the Cloud, managed by CircleCI, or with a Server plan, self-hosted by you.

Incredible performance

The speed and reliability you need when building, testing, and deploying code. Access all the resources you need for optimal performance for free.

Complete control and scale

Our new Free plan gives you everything you need to deliver quickly and confidently with unlimited scale. With more build minutes than any free plan on the market, code gets to market at the speed of your team’s innovation.

Unmatched security

The CircleCI hosted CI/CD platform is GovCloud compliant as well as FedRAMP and SOC 2 certified, providing peace of mind to companies in every industry.

Pricing summary

Plans starting at


$24,000 USD

View all pricing options

Customize your build minutes and seats to fit your team

Our largest resource classes for complex processes and speed

A dedicated account team and access to 24/7 support

Customizable annual billing, audit logging, and bulk data export

All the environments in Performance, plus access to GPU resource classes

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