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DataStax Enterprise

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DataStax Enterprise

By DataStax

Certified enterprise ready

Built on Apache Cassandra™, DataStax Enterprise is hardened by the largest internet apps, proven by the Fortune 100, and supports more NoSQL workloads - from Graph to Search and Analytics.

Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.9

Delivery method


DataStax Enterprise accelerates cloud-native and bare-metal performance, supports more workload types from graph to search and analytics, and improves user productivity with Kubernetes and APIs. DataStax Enterprise enables enterprises to build transformational data architectures for applications, microservices and experiences that require data sovereignty, availability, scale, and accessibility by any user.

Zero Downtime

Built on Apache Cassandra’s active-everywhere architecture for 24x7x365 availability.

Cloud-Native Data Platform

Native Kubernetes support to tame the complexity of development, operations, and deployment.

Global Scale

Put your data where you need it without compromising performance, availability or accessibility.

Zero Lock-In

Freedom of choice to deploy anywhere, on any platform (on-premise, cloud and K8s)

Stargate APIs

Work natively with Document (JSON), REST and GraphQL APIs

Operational Reliability

Enterprise-grade security, monitoring, and support, hardened by the Fortune 100

Pricing summary

Plans starting at

View all pricing options

Use Cassandra, Graph, Search and Analytics

Full security controls

Paid through marketplace

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