Digital Disease Models

Digital Disease Models
By Keystonemab B.V.
Advanced disease models leveraging vast scientific, clinical, and IP data. Enable the development of cutting-edge pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and food products with a comprehensive perspective. Customizable and versatile, our models seamlessly integrate with client data, delivering unique and valuable insights to accelerate product advancements in the healthcare and nutrition industries.
Delivery method
Our specialized data crawlers continuously gather new web data, which is then processed by an NLP algorithm to extract disease-specific details such as drugs, biomarkers, and cell signaling. This valuable information is stored in a knowledge graph using our proprietary software infrastructure. With our analytics studio, users can efficiently explore and analyze this data, empowering them to make data-driven decisions and gain valuable insights in new product development in Pharma. & Nutra. field
Connection strength filter for high quality data
Our infrastructure houses the big data, organized using AI-calculated connection strength. Entities with the highest connection strength signify robust relationships. This prioritized approach ensures data organization based on the strength of associations, providing a reliable and efficient means to access relevant information with higher confidence levels for better decision-making and insights.
Specialized crawlers
Our crawlers are trained to extract GDPR-compliant information from public databases.
Trained AI models
Our NLP models are trained to extract very specific information from documents fed by crawlers.
Fish-Net principle
Our proprietary fish-net algorithm allows us to identify and prioritize novel single-agent drugs or combinations influencing the maximum number of disease-causing biomarkers