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Global Significant Earthquake Database - National Hazards

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Global Significant Earthquake Database - National Hazards


Data from significant earthquakes from 2150 BC to Present

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Feb 8, 2021

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The Significant Earthquake Database public dataset, by NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI), is a global listing of over 5,700 earthquakes from 2150 BC to the present day. A significant earthquake is classified as one that meets at least one of the following criteria: caused deaths, caused moderate damage (approximately $1 million or more), magnitude 7.5 or greater, Modified Mercalli Intensity (MMI) X or greater, or the earthquake generated a tsunami.

The dataset provides information on the date and time of occurrence, latitude and longitude, focal depth, magnitude, maximum MMI intensity, and socio-economic data such as the total number of casualties, injuries, houses destroyed, and houses damaged, and $ damage estimates.

This dataset also includes layers for tsumani source and runup as well as significant volcanic eruption locations.

Cite as: National Geophysical Data Center / World Data Service (NGDC/WDS): NCEI/WDS Global Significant Earthquake Database. NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information. doi:10.7289/V5TD9V7K [access date]


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