Infrastructure Services for Infrastructure Management

Infrastructure Services for Infrastructure Management
By Cloudware Polska Sp. z o. o.
Infrastructure Services for Infrastructure Management
Delivery method
ISIM combined offering consist of: • Cloudware Active Testing – testing software developed for 5 yrs in Cloudware, deliver one time and continious automatized testing services. Sucessfully implemented i.e. National Bank of Poland • CMDB – configuration database management, light version of traditional CMDB approach, we develop from 6 yrs and deliver solution as a part of our managed services • Grafana – presentation layer for our services, opensource • Further integration • Instana • Turbonomic
Cloudware Active Testing
Testing software developed for 5 yrs in Cloudware, deliver one time and continious automatized testing services. Sucessfully implemented.
Configuration database management, light version of traditional CMDB approach, we develop from 6 yrs and deliver solution as a part of our managed services.
Scanning systems for vulnerabilities and IT zombies. Audit of e-commerce applications for quality and reliability (Instana).
Pricing summary
Plans starting at
Cloudware Active Testing