Joget DX 8 Open Source Low Code Platform

Joget DX 8 Open Source Low Code Platform
By Joget, Inc.
Certified enterprise ready
An open source no-code / low-code application platform that combines the best of Rapid Application Development, Business Process Automation and Workflow Management.
Software version
Runs on
OpenShift 4.10 - 4.18
Delivery method
Products purchased on Red Hat Marketplace are supported by the provider. Beyond documentation and developer communities, specialists and product maintainers may be available to address your concerns.
Support Policies
Scope of Coverage
We provide support for:
- Installation Assistance
- Troubleshooting
- Process Design Review
- Integration Advice
- API Advice
We do not provide support for:
- Modified installers or deployment packages
- Product customizations or code development
- System and network design
- Design and implementation of development, release, or security policies and practices
- Plugins or other components that are not part of the base Joget Workflow Enterprise
- Beta, Release Candidate or Preview features
- Undocumented features or functionality
- Un-certified platforms
Support Procedures
Before Contacting Support
Many customers are able to resolve their technical issue by searching our FAQ and Knowledge Base. Prior to contacting Support, we recommend searching the FAQ and Knowledge Base as your question or issue may already be known and a solution may exist for it. If you still need to contact us for support, please provide the following information so we can assist you:Define the Problem
Articulate the problem and symptoms in a detailed but concise fashion. Be as exact as possible in explaining your problem or question to our support engineers. Include steps used to reproduce the problem as well as any steps you have already tried to resolve the problem.Background Information
Answers to the following questions will help us resolve your problem as quickly as possible:What product and version are you running?
On what platform are you running? (operating system, application server, database server, JDK, etc.)
What steps led to the problem?
Can you reproduce the problem? If so, what steps are required?
Have any changes been made recently that could have triggered the issue?
What error messages were received during the time of the problem?
Available Diagnostic Information
The availability of diagnostic information, such as sample apps, screen shots, system log files, traces, and data dumps, will often help our support engineers pinpoint the cause of an error. Please provide as much of this information as possible.Assign a Priority
When submitting a case, please assign an appropriate priority. This will help us understand the impact of the problem on your organization so we can prioritize and respond appropriately.Submitting Cases through the Joget Workflow Enterprise Support Site
You may submit your request for assistance by logging into http://dev.joget.org. This method of submission ensures the accuracy of the information you submit and allows for complete tracking of the case, with related comments and attachments.How Enterprise Support Handles Requests
All cases submitted to Enterprise Support are logged into our issue tracking system. Once logged, they are assigned a unique number and routed to a Support Engineer. This number can be used to reference your case through our support web site. The assigned Support Engineer will research your issue and respond with advice or additional questions to resolve your problem as quickly as possible. Our support team will often work together and with members of the Product team to resolve your issue.Resolution Procedures
If at any time, you feel that you are not receiving a level of service that meets your expectations, you may ask to have your case escalated or ask to be contacted by Enterprise Support Management. Any customer requested escalation receives direct management attention and consideration. Enterprise Support is committed to ensuring that you receive the quality support necessary to be successful.Support End of Life Policy
Joget supports major versions for two years after the first major release of the next version (for example, we support Joget Workflow v4 for 2 years after Joget Workflow v5 was released). This policy excludes maintenance builds and security patch release.