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Kong Konnect Enterprise

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Kong Enterprise RHM logo

Kong Konnect Enterprise

By Kong Inc.

Certified enterprise ready

A Service Connectivity Platform that enables organizations to transition to microservices and manage the full lifecycle of services and APIs.

Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.9

Delivery method


  1. Kong Konnect Enterprise

    The End-to-End Service Control Platform for Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Organizations.

    Obtain global visibility with granular control.

    Instantly implement policies built for global scale.

    Secure your services with Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

    Empower innovation across your organization with the Kong Developer Portal.

    Organize for scale, by grouping all your teams, services, and environments from a single cluster.

    Robust Visual API Analytics to monitor your Kong Enterprise health and your API transactions.

  2. Kong Konnect Enterprise

    The End-to-End Service Control Platform for Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Organizations.

    Obtain global visibility with granular control.

    Instantly implement policies built for global scale.

    Secure your services with Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

    Empower innovation across your organization with the Kong Developer Portal.

    Organize for scale, by grouping all your teams, services, and environments from a single cluster.

    Robust Visual API Analytics to monitor your Kong Enterprise health and your API transactions.

    Kong Konnect Enterprise public offer. Basic plan includes up to 10 services and 100MN API requests.

    Dev Portal sold separately. Please contact us for pricing details.

Kong Konnect Enterprise

The End-to-End Service Control Platform for Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Organizations.

Obtain global visibility with granular control.

Instantly implement policies built for global scale.

Secure your services with Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

Empower innovation across your organization with the Kong Developer Portal.

Organize for scale, by grouping all your teams, services, and environments from a single cluster.

Robust Visual API Analytics to monitor your Kong Enterprise health and your API transactions.

Kong Konnect Enterprise

The End-to-End Service Control Platform for Multi-Cloud and Hybrid Organizations.

Obtain global visibility with granular control.

Instantly implement policies built for global scale.

Secure your services with Role-based Access Control (RBAC).

Empower innovation across your organization with the Kong Developer Portal.

Organize for scale, by grouping all your teams, services, and environments from a single cluster.

Robust Visual API Analytics to monitor your Kong Enterprise health and your API transactions.

Kong Konnect Enterprise public offer. Basic plan includes up to 10 services and 100MN API requests.

Dev Portal sold separately. Please contact us for pricing details.