KoreaPlus Statistics

KoreaPlus Statistics
By Data Solution
Provide an easy-to-use GUI, specialized expertise that adds specialized statistical analysis functions that are not provided in SPSS, analytical solution that supports optimized functions in the field from test design to hypothesis verification and statistics after analysis. Provide appropriate analytical methods and statistics according to the data characteristics of the industry.
Delivery method
1. Advanced analytics capabilities - Word2VecCluster & Sent2VenCluster - AI Analysis - Text Analytics - Sample size calculation, Weibull analysis function - Scale analysis function - Propensity Score Matching analysis function - Meta-analysis function 2. Localized functionality meets industry-needs - Medical analysis - Customer Life Value analysis - Government Statistics data integration - Geographical map: provides Korea map file - Hangul file conversion
Advanced analytics capabilities
- Word2VecCluster & Sent2VenCluster: visualizes grouping similar words in data through ML - AI Analysis: RNN-based time series learning and prediction - Text Analytics: Convert and stems unstructured text data into meaningful data for use in decision making - Sample size calculation, Weibull analysis function - Scale analysis function - Propensity Score Matching analysis function - Meta-analysis function
Localized functionality meets industry-needs
- Medical analysis: provides advanced analytical methods used in medicine - medical analysis, Bio-Equiv. - Customer Life Value analysis: measure financial value and contribution value of customers - Government Statistics data integration: provides menu to link with Korea Statistics website for data federation - Geographical map: provides Korea map file - Hangul file conversion: extract stat result into Hangul file format which is government standard work processing program.
Localized technical support
Technical Support with well-trained technical engineers - Remote Control - Support by call - Guide by email