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KSM Scientific Intelligence Platform-KSIP

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KSM AI platform logo

KSM Scientific Intelligence Platform-KSIP

By Keystonemab B.V.

KSIP platform is an AI-driven platform that analyzes data from millions of scientific and clinical trial documents to identify synergistic drug combinations or new uses for existing or failed drugs (drug repositioning). We also develop formulations of these products at our CDMO facility to supply finished products to our customers. We help companies with identifying 'second medical use' claim IP.

Software version


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Our platform uses AI-driven big-data analytics to identify unique, non-obvious, and patentable drug combinations for various diseases. Our technology is helping drug-discovery companies to evaluate drugs to combine with their investigational and shelved assets for synergistic effect. We train ML algorithm to identify and connect data from millions of patents, scientific and clinical documents to identify and develop unique insights for drug discovery.

Novel product developments in pharma/neutra field

Our platform identifies novel products for orphan and rare diseases based on exhaustive biomarker landscape analysis from millions of documents. Platform also helps to identify new uses for existing drugs via 'second medical use' claim.

Enable data driven decision making

Any and every decision in developing new drug product is backed by solid data analysis helping organizations in making data driven decisions rather than 'gut feeling'

Hybrid insights from public private data

Our platform can connect publicly available data with private clients data to provide hybrid 'client specific insights'. These insights will be presented in our reporting tool which get updated automatically with addition of new data.

Pricing summary

Plans starting at

Per active user

$2,500 USD

View all pricing options

Updated data till 2023

Unlimited search queries

Updated analytics funnel

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