Make Music Count

Make Music Count
By Make Music Count
Make Music Count is a math curriculum and app taught through playing songs on the piano. Students through the help of Watson Assistant to solve math equations where the answers are musical notes. Once all the questions are answered, the notes are highlighted on the piano. Students then play their answers on the virtual keyboard while the original song streams in parallel.
Delivery method
Conquer math anxiety through the power of playing the piano! In this app 2nd - 12th grade students solve math equations where the answers are musical notes. Once all the questions are answered, the notes are highlighted on the piano. Students then play their answers on the virtual keyboard while the original song streams in parallel. Through this experience students math engagement, confidence and performance in mathematics increase all while playing the piano at the same time!
Watson Assistant
With the Watson Assistant you'll be able to ask math questions within Make Music Count lessons. It can provide insight on how the Make Music Count platform works, how to find tutorial videos, assess what level of math you are and provide foundational math instruction to then have a positive experience with the app.
Live Piano playing
The reward for correctly completing math questions is the immediate ability to play your answers on the piano while the song plays in the background. You will walk away feeling like an accomplished pianist all from the direct application of mathematics.
Math Assesment
At the end of each Make Music Count lesson, users must also complete a regular math quiz. This quiz is to show that you have fully understood the subject you have practiced. Also the app calculates how well you are doing in each individual math subject based on the performance on these math quizzes. It will give each user the insight they need to see where they are doing well mathematically and where they may need additional support.
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