MinIO AIStor

MinIO AIStor
By MinIO
Certified enterprise ready
MinIO AIStor is the standard for building large scale AI data infrastructure. It is a high-performance, software-defined, S3 compatible object store that will run anywhere - from the public cloud to the edge. Enterprises use MinIO to deliver against artificial intelligence, machine learning, analytics, application, backup and archival workloads - all from a single platform.
Runs on
OpenShift 4.6 - 4.15
Delivery method
AIStor Free 60-Day Trial
Try AIStor for 60 days. Request a license by going to the request a demo and free trial link or visiting https://resources.min.io/request-a-demo-marketplaces/
Free for 60 days
No feature limitations - same as enterprise license edition
High performance object storage
AIStor Free 60-Day Trial
Try AIStor for 60 days. Request a license by going to the request a demo and free trial link or visiting https://resources.min.io/request-a-demo-marketplaces/
Free for 60 days
No feature limitations - same as enterprise license edition
High performance object storage