
By A3J Group LLC
Certified for Red Hat Enterprise Linux
A3J Group’s material pickup solution, MxPickup, was built with the busy warehouse manager or employee in mind. MxPickup enhances the Maximo receiving process with superior tracking and issuing controls to make receiving large quantities of items and materials a breeze.
Software version
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Delivery method
MxPickup enhances the Maximo receiving process with superior tracking and issuing controls to make receiving large quantities of items and materials a breeze. Maximo forces you to store material in warehouse locations but with MxPickup you can place and track materials anywhere you like. MxPickup supports warehouse locations, bins, any Maximo location and freeform staging and delivery locations. If you can point to it, MxPickup will allow you to select as an option.
Track Material Receiving
Do you have a large project, turn around? Receive these orders and then track them with MxPickup.
Mass Issue/Mass Move
Ability mass issue/move a large amount of materials for a project.
Show History
You'll be able to see activity for history that is performed on an order/receipt/PO.
Pricing summary
Plans starting at
Direct Issue Material Tracking
Mass Issue and Mass Move
Works on Maximo 7.6.x and MAS8