Origo Manage Security Services
Origo Manage Security Services
By Origo
Managed security service is monitoring and interpreting important system events throughout a network. This includes and is not limited to, unauthorized behaviour, malicious hacks, denial of service (DoS), anomalies, and trend analysis.
Delivery method
Origo with Syndis runs a fully equipped Security Operations Center (SoC). From the SoC, operators monitor and react to alerts and events coming from different sensors and nodes within the MSS network. The SoC is also responsible for deploying vulnerability scans against customer networks and other tasks defined in service agreements.
Security Operations Center
Managed security service is the day-to-day monitoring and interpretation of important system events throughout a network. This includes, and not limited to, unauthorized behavior, malicious hacks, denial of service (DoS), anomalies, and trend analysis.
Intrusion Detection Systems monitoring
Intrusion detection systems (IDS) are a key factor in the Origo MSS monitoring. Some customers will already have invested in an IDS system. Origo will offer an integration plan to selected major IDS vendors to be included in the MSS. For customers with no IDS, Syndis will offer an entry level IDS built in-house. The Syndis IDS will be lower in price compared to major IDS vendors.
Vulnerability management
Origo can manage vulnerability assessment on customer networks, both internal networks and Internet-facing systems. Crucially, we separate the wheat from the chaff in the automated findings, only contacting customers when they actually need to react