Oxford COVID-19 Response Tracker-Historical country-level intervention
Oxford COVID-19 Response Tracker-Historical country-level intervention
By Oxford University
Legacy government response stringency index constructed at Oxford University
Product type
Update frequency
Sep 28, 2022
Delivery method
Metadata is available for each file version of the dataset. A JSON file can be downloaded once you subscribe to the dataset. The information below is an example of the metadata included in each JSON file.
Dataset file name: oxford/owid-covid-data.csv
Key Statistics
Total records
Missing values
Duplicate rows
Correlations Correlations are columns within the dataset that have a linear dependency on each other and can be dropped or filtered out when creating models
Correlated columns
total_tests_per_thousand and total_cases_per_million, total_tests and total_deaths, total_cases_per_million and total_deaths_per_million, total_deaths and total_deaths_per_million, total_cases and new_tests_smoothed, total_tests_per_thousand and new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand, life_expectancy and gdp_per_capita, total_tests_per_thousand and new_tests_per_thousand, total_cases_per_million and new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand, total_cases and total_deaths, aged_65_older and aged_70_older, new_tests_per_thousand and total_cases_per_million, new_tests and new_tests_smoothed, total_tests and new_tests_smoothed, new_tests_per_thousand and new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand, new_deaths and new_deaths_per_million, total_cases and new_cases, median_age and aged_65_older, median_age and life_expectancy, new_cases and new_cases_per_million, total_tests and total_cases, total_cases and new_tests, total_tests and new_tests, median_age and aged_70_older, handwashing_facilities and life_expectancy, median_age and gdp_per_capita
Column name | Type | Unique values | Min value | Max value |
total_cases | numeric | 7,813 | 0 | 9229049 |
total_deaths | numeric | 2,681 | 0 | 477269 |
new_cases | numeric | 2,331 | -2461 | 177251 |
new_deaths | numeric | 691 | -1918 | 10520 |
total_cases_per_million | numeric | 14,926 | 0 | 31092.377 |
new_cases_per_million | numeric | 8,385 | -265.189 | 4944.376 |
total_deaths_per_million | numeric | 7,012 | 0 | 1237.551 |
total_tests | numeric | 7,064 | 1 | 27553580 |
new_tests | numeric | 4,731 | 1 | 594282 |
new_deaths_per_million | numeric | 2,031 | -41.023 | 200.04 |
new_tests_per_thousand | numeric | 1,611 | 0 | 13.467 |
new_tests_smoothed | numeric | 5,370 | 0 | 512575 |
total_tests_per_thousand | numeric | 5,658 | 0 | 285.449 |
stringency_index | numeric | 155 | 0 | 100 |
new_tests_smoothed_per_thousand | numeric | 1,630 | 0 | 9.451 |
population | numeric | 211 | 809 | 7794798600 |
population_density | numeric | 200 | 0.137 | 19347.5 |
aged_65_older | numeric | 183 | 1.144 | 27.049 |
aged_70_older | numeric | 182 | 0.526 | 18.493 |
gdp_per_capita | numeric | 184 | 661.24 | 116935.6 |
median_age | numeric | 133 | 15.1 | 48.2 |
extreme_poverty | numeric | 73 | 0.1 | 77.6 |
cvd_death_rate | numeric | 186 | 79.37 | 724.417 |
male_smokers | numeric | 122 | 7.7 | 78.1 |
female_smokers | numeric | 107 | 0.1 | 44 |
handwashing_facilities | numeric | 92 | 1.188 | 98.999 |
diabetes_prevalence | numeric | 141 | 0.99 | 23.36 |
hospital_beds_per_thousand | numeric | 100 | 0.1 | 13.8 |
life_expectancy | numeric | 197 | 53.28 | 86.75 |
iso_code | categorical | 212 | 3 | 8 |
location | categorical | 212 | 4 | 32 |
continent | categorical | 7 | 3 | 13 |
tests_units | categorical | 5 | 3 | 15 |
date | date | 177 | 2019-12-31 | 2020-06-24 |