Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster

Percona Operator for MySQL based on Percona XtraDB Cluster
By Percona
Certified enterprise ready
The Operator is an open-source drop in replacement for MySQL Enterprise with synchronous replication running on Kubernetes. It automates the deployment and management of the members in your Percona XtraDB Cluster environment.
Software version
Runs on
OpenShift 4.6 - 4.17
Delivery method
Based on our best practices for deployment and configuration the Operator contains everything you need to quickly and consistently deploy and scale XtraDB Cluster into a Kubernetes cluster. The Operator is Red Hat OpenShift Certified and is available in concurrent release with our software products.
Deploy easily
Create a Percona XtraDB Cluster environment with no single point of failure and the ability to span multiple activity or availability zones.
Scale Your Percona XtraDB Cluster
Change the size parameter to add or remove members of the Percona XtraDB Cluster. Three is the minimum recommended size for a functioning Percona XtraDB Cluster.
Automate Your Backups
Configure Percona XtraDB cluster backups to run on a scheduled basis. Backups can be stored on the S3-compatible object storage or on the Persistent Volumes. Minimize RPO and RTO with Point-in-time recovery.
Integrate with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)
Use Percona’s award winning monitoring tool to view and manage your Percona XtraDB Cluster environment.
Rely on ProxySQL to Remove Single Point of Failure
Use the proxy of your choice - HAProxy or ProxySQL - to deploy an environment that removes any single point of failure.
Automate node recovery
Use the self healing capability to automatically recover from failure of a single Percona XtraDB Cluster node.
Provide data encryption
Rely on support for data encryption in transit.
Supports private container registries
Access information from a private registry to enhance security.
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