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Certified enterprise ready

Break-through Application Design and Develop Productivity.

Software version

Release 8 Flex Edition

Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.9

Delivery method


RapidBIZ™ is a simple-to-use, integrated cloud development and delivery hosting environment that enables significant productivity and cost advantages. It enables IT organizations to increase development productivity, speed of delivery, and application quality with time to benefit improvements as high as 80% over traditional development methods. It is a complete cloud development, delivery and hosting environment leveraging Dockers, Kubernetes and OpenShift to maximize ease of deployment.

Totally Standard Browser Delivered Development and Delivery

RapidBIZ supports all major browsers for app development and deployed application usage. When you create apps with RapidBIZ, there is no need to do extensive testing with other browsers. There is no function a developer needs to perform that can't be done in a standard browser.

Drag and Drop Smart Screen Designer

The drag and drop designer allows you to design your screen with traditional or responsive without writing any code and provides a preview mode at any point in the design. RapidBIZ provides a number of optional abilities to style your screen according to style guidelines you may have. Smart features reduce or eliminate the code you need to write - like a SAVE button, when dragged on, knows what to do when it's clicked - without writing any code.

Extensive Code Libraries - Extensive Reuse Capability

RapidBIZ provides a library of predefined functions that are callable using a predefined js function name, where you only need to provide the parameters. The functions are available to the developer if they need to enhance or modify for their specific needs; or they can write their own functions that can reside in the code library to be used by the rest of their development team. There is no concept of compiling code in RapidBIZ - simply add the function and see it work for the user.

Deployment via Docker Containers

RapidBIZ and the applications developed in it are deployable via Docker Containers. Take advantage of Kubernetes and OpenShift to scale and manage applications created in RapidBIZ. You can deploy multiple dependent applications with the RapidBIZ runtime in a single Docker, selecting the target deployment database - giving you the capability to offer your applications directly to end users - similar in the way apps are purchased and run on mobile devices - it's really that simple.

Universal Database

You can use any database to develop and deploy applications. Databases supported are: DB2, DB2 for IBM i , My SQL, PostGreSQL, Microsoft SQL and Oracle. Each of these databases are considered "native" - meaning you can develop with one database and deploy to another without changing the application. So when you deploy an application via a Docker, all you need to do is select the database container you want to use to deploy the production application.

Integrated Workflow Engine

The RapidBIZ workflow engine is a robust, drag-and-drop, point-and-click feature that automatically generates a json object that runs on server side java. You can create workflows that incorporate data from other applications via web services, other databases, or even existing java code. It supports a variety of functions including parallel workflows, and stop and wait. Couple this with the smart screens and you can build new applications while taking advantage of unique legacy processes.

Translation of Screens and Messages Made Easy

Translation of screens and messages is offered at both the screen and entire application level. If your application has the need to be deployed in multiple languages and you are proficient in the language (other then English), you can easily add the translation to the screens as the application is developed. Or dump all screen and message content to a spreadsheet and have knowledgeable translators complete the task. Either way you choose, it's easy.

Use and Integrate Virtually Anything in your Applications

RapidBIZ provides support for the RESTful and SOAP API's/Web Services via Web Connect. Data Connect supports jdbc and jdni to external data sources that can be integrated into the new applications. Java Connects allows incorporation of existing JAR's into the RapidBIZ environment so you can take advantage of existing code processes in your new apps.

Pricing summary

Plans starting at

View all pricing options

Monthly subscription.

Two (2) developer licenses.

Ten (10) applications.

One (1) run-time included.

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