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OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker

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OpsMx Enterprise for Spinnaker

By DevOpsMx, Inc.

Certified enterprise ready

Continuous Delivery platform proven in production over millions of deployments to deliver software faster through fully automated pipelines.

Software version


Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.9

Delivery method


OpsMx Open Enterprise for Spinnaker (OES) provides additional value to OSS Spinnaker in the form of enterprise features that enable easier life-cycle management of highly available single or multi-Spinnaker deployments, enterprise-grade audit and compliance, a continuous delivery dashboard, machine learning-based continuous release verification(using logs, APM and metrics), easy application on-boarding and maintenance, and additional enterprise cloud driver support such as OpenShift and VMware.

Multi-Cloud Deployment

Deploy your VM, containers, or functions across public and private clouds, including AWS EC2, ECS, EKS, Lamba, Kubernetes, Google Compute Engine, Google Kubernetes Engine, Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Openstack, with Oracle Bare Metal and DC/OS.

Automated Releases with Pipelines

Create deployment pipelines that run integration and system tests, spin server groups up and down, and monitor your rollouts. Trigger pipelines via git events, Jenkins, Travis CI, Docker, CRON, or other Spinnaker pipelines.


Manage the pipeline as code (JSON) or interact with pipeline using API or UI.

Safe Deployment Strategies

Deploy using Canary or Red/Black (Blue/Green) or Rolling update, and enable automated Canary-analysis to ensure safety of the new updates before full-rollout to production.

1-Click Rollback

Rolling back new deployments is never been easier with a 1-click rollback of images/configurations.

Automated Verification

Verify new software releases for suitability for production including reliability and business impact in an automated fashion during Canary or Red/Black or Rolling Red/Black or post-deployment in production

Audit And Compliance

Automate audit and compliance verification and violation alerting and prevent non-compliance deployments with pre-defined compliant pipelines

Pre-defined templates and KPI dashboard

Quickly onboard users and applications to the continuous delivery platform and scale with pre-defined templates and monitor with operational and KPI dashboard

Pricing summary

Plans starting at

Per active user

$3,000 USD

View all pricing options

OSS Spinnaker Support

CD Dashboard

Self Service for Applications

Terraform Support

Additional resources

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