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Ticket_Management_System for QRadar EDR

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Ticket Manage System logo
Ticket Manage System logo

Ticket_Management_System for QRadar EDR

By Central Soft Service Co Ltd

Ticket Management System for QRadar EDR, run on IBM Cloud,Redhat Linux

Software version


Delivery method


In response to incidents from QRadar EDR, tickets can be issued through API linkage. It is possible to share the response status without going through the QRadar EDR management screen. All information is forensically recorded.

API linkage

Automatically issue a ticket when an critical incident occurs through API linkage with QRadar EDR.

Forensic system

Since the contents of the issued ticket and the corresponding information entered cannot be rewritten, the originality of the work content and timing can be guaranteed.

Service delivery on IBM Cloud

This service is provided in the RedHat environment of IBM Cloud in order to link with the QRadar EDR SaaS service.

Pricing summary

Plans starting at

Per active user

$30 USD

View all pricing options

Incident response,network isolation and remediation

Operation Log Hunting

Provide ticket management system