Zettaset Encryption for Kubernetes Containers - RHM logo

XCrypt for OpenShift

Zettaset Encryption for Kubernetes Containers - RHM logo
Zettaset Encryption for Kubernetes Containers - RHM logo

XCrypt for OpenShift

By Zettaset

Certified enterprise ready

XCrypt for OpenShift is a software-only solution built to transparently protect data in OpenShift environments without impacting performance.

Software version


Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.18

Delivery method


  1. Free trial

    XCrypt Enterprise Trial

    For 30 days


    XCrypt is a software-only solution, built specifically to protect data-at-rest in OpenShift environments.

    Contact sales

    Unlimited persistent volumes

    Limited to 3 worker nodes

    Unlimited data size

  2. Annual

    XCrypt Enterprise License

    Per virtual processor core

    $500 USD

    XCrypt is a software-only solution, built specifically to protect data-at-rest in OpenShift environments.

    Contact sales

    Unlimited persistent volumes

    Worker nodes limited to enterprise license

    Usage period limited to enterprise license and not just 30 days like trial version

Free trial

XCrypt Enterprise Trial

For 30 days


XCrypt is a software-only solution, built specifically to protect data-at-rest in OpenShift environments.

Contact sales

Unlimited persistent volumes

Limited to 3 worker nodes

Unlimited data size


XCrypt Enterprise License

Per virtual processor core

$500 USD

XCrypt is a software-only solution, built specifically to protect data-at-rest in OpenShift environments.

Contact sales

Unlimited persistent volumes

Worker nodes limited to enterprise license

Usage period limited to enterprise license and not just 30 days like trial version