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CFPB Consumer Complaint Database
Complaints about consumer financial products and services

Commodity Flow Survey - 2017
By Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Information on commodities from manufacturing, mining, wholesale, and selected retail and services establishments

IBM Debater Mention Detection Benchmark
By IBM Data Asset eXchange
The goal of Mention Detection is to map entities/concepts mentioned in text to the correct concept in a knowledge base. The dataset contains 3000 sentences that are annotated with Mentions.

IBM Debater Sentiment Composition Lexicons
By IBM Data Asset eXchange
A dataset on the sentiment of phrases from the interaction between its constituents.

U.S. Census Retail Trade Data
By U.S. Census Bureau
Retail and Food Services Sales and Inventory Estimates in the United States (U.S.)

U.S. Census Wholesale Trade Data
By U.S. Census Bureau
The Wholesale Trade sector comprises establishments engaged in wholesaling merchandise, generally without transformation, and rendering services incidental to the sale of merchandise.

U.S. Producer Price Index - Industry
By U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics
Producer Price Index (PPI) by industry