Partner account

About partner accounts

A Red Hat Marketplace account supports the following users:

  • partner users
  • marketplace users

One account can contain both partner and marketplace users.

Log on to a partner account


  • complete a product nomination form

About this task

Your business development representative works with you to create an account. When you already have an account because your company uses Red Hat Marketplace to try and buy products, your business development representative configures your current account for partner resources. This task describes logging on for the first time. Current account users can log on as usual.


  1. In your email inbox, find an email invitation to join Red Hat Marketplace.
  2. Click the link. When prompted, log on using your Red Hat ID.
  3. Continue until you finish the workflow.


You are logged on to the application and have access to partner resources.

Next steps

Invite users to join your account. For more information, refer to Invite people to join.

Partner roles

To grant access to partner resources, assign a partner role to your users. For more information, refer to Partner roles.

Manage users

To manage users, refer to User management.