MaxProcure Vendor Portal for Maximo logo

MaxProcure Vendor Portal for Maximo

MaxProcure Vendor Portal for Maximo logo
MaxProcure Vendor Portal for Maximo logo

MaxProcure Vendor Portal for Maximo

By MaxProcure

Modernize your procurement processes and achieve stunning ROI with proven procure-to-pay automation for Maximo. Send POs, RFQs, payment status, and documents to your vendors, and receive order confirmations, delivery dates, revision requests, price quotes, and invoices in Maximo from your vendors with zero effort. The Vendor Portal works natively with MAS and Maximo 7.6 with nothing to install.

Delivery method


  1. Monthly Service

    Vendor Portal for Maximo organizations of any size.

    Automates Order Flow

    Automates RFQ/Quoting Flow

    Automates A/P Invoicing Flow

Monthly Service

Vendor Portal for Maximo organizations of any size.

Automates Order Flow

Automates RFQ/Quoting Flow

Automates A/P Invoicing Flow