Add billing details to a paid edition

Add billing details for a paid edition



  1. Navigate to commerce details.
  2. On the Billing details section, for Allowed billing frequency, select one or more of the following check boxes:
    • Monthly
    • Quarterly
    • Annual
  3. On the Billing details section, for Allowed subscription terms, select one or more of the following check boxes:
    • 1 month
    • 3 Month
    • 6 Month
    • 12 Month
    • 24 Month
    • 36 Month
    • 48 Month
    • 60 Month
  4. To allow auto-renwal, on the Billing details section, for Allow auto-renewal, select the Auto-rental check box.
  5. Click Submit for approval.


You added billing details for a paid edition.

Allowed billing frequency field descriptions

MonthlyCustomer pays once a month for subscription services.
QuarterlyCustomer pays once every three months for subscription services.
AnnualCustomer pays once a year for subscription services.

Allowed subscription terms field descriptions

1 monthCustomer can access entitlements for one month.
3 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for three months.
6 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for six months.
12 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for one year.
24 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for two years.
36 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for three years.
48 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for four years.
60 MonthCustomer can access entitlements for five years.

About allowed billing frequency

Allowed billing frequency indicates the time frame the customer will pay the bill. Up to three choices can be made available for each paid edition. Red Hat Marketplace recommends using up to two values.

About allowed subscription terms

Allowed subscription terms indicates the time frame the customer is committing to the deal. There is no limit on how many values to add. Red Hat Marketplace recommends selecting one or two options.

About auto renewal

Auto renewal indicates the subscription renews at the end of the subscription term. By default, auto-renew is selected. To opt-out of auto renewal, an Onboarding lead will review and make a determination.

Turn on Auto renewal on a paid edition


  1. Navigate to commerce details.
  2. To turn on auto-renwal on a paid edition, on the Billing details section, for Allow auto-renewal, select the Auto-rental check box.


An Onboarding lead reviews your selection.