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Discover - Transform - Cruize

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Discover - Transform - Cruize

By CloudHedge Technologies Inc

Certified enterprise ready

CloudHedge is a Red Hat Technology Partner leveraging its Red Hat Certified containerization tools - Discover, Transform and Cruize to containerize legacy applications on OpenShift.

Software version


Runs on

OpenShift 4.6 - 4.9

Delivery method


  1. CloudHedge Discover

    CloudHedge's Discover tool enables enterprises to perform agentless, Artificial Intelligence-based, and secure analysis of Windows, AIX, and Linux applications.

    Track and verify process topologies

    Discover 100s of Windows (be it as old as Windows 2003), AIX or Linux applications concurrently

    Assess applications down to their processes and dependencies

    Get actionable insights for application’s modernization

    Know unused or outdated applications and infrastructure

    Generate assessment reports with findings and recommendations within minutes

    Save on OpEx and CapEx by taking early business decisions

  2. CloudHedge Transform

    CloudHedge’s Transform, an automated and patented tool enables enterprises to modernize individual application or it’s processes into containers.

    Create Lean containers instead of Fat containers

    Replatform Java Applications from Windows to Linux or from AIX to Linux

    Containerize applications from On-Premise to Cloud

    Containerize applications already present on Cloud

    Containerize applications and retain their existing on-premise setup

  3. CloudHedge Cruize (Monthly)

    CloudHedge enables Enterprise IT to move applications to OpenShift with minimum investment and maximum advantage.

    40% Straight Reduction in OpEx

    Seamless Integration with DevOps Tools

    Seamless Support for EDGE Deployments

  4. CloudHedge Cruize (Yearly)

    CloudHedge enables Enterprise IT to move applications to OpenShift with minimum investment and maximum advantage.

    40% Straight Reduction in OpEx

    Seamless Integration with DevOps Tools

    Seamless Support for EDGE Deployments

CloudHedge Discover

CloudHedge's Discover tool enables enterprises to perform agentless, Artificial Intelligence-based, and secure analysis of Windows, AIX, and Linux applications.

Track and verify process topologies

Discover 100s of Windows (be it as old as Windows 2003), AIX or Linux applications concurrently

Assess applications down to their processes and dependencies

Get actionable insights for application’s modernization

Know unused or outdated applications and infrastructure

Generate assessment reports with findings and recommendations within minutes

Save on OpEx and CapEx by taking early business decisions

CloudHedge Transform

CloudHedge’s Transform, an automated and patented tool enables enterprises to modernize individual application or it’s processes into containers.

Create Lean containers instead of Fat containers

Replatform Java Applications from Windows to Linux or from AIX to Linux

Containerize applications from On-Premise to Cloud

Containerize applications already present on Cloud

Containerize applications and retain their existing on-premise setup

CloudHedge Cruize (Monthly)

CloudHedge enables Enterprise IT to move applications to OpenShift with minimum investment and maximum advantage.

40% Straight Reduction in OpEx

Seamless Integration with DevOps Tools

Seamless Support for EDGE Deployments

CloudHedge Cruize (Yearly)

CloudHedge enables Enterprise IT to move applications to OpenShift with minimum investment and maximum advantage.

40% Straight Reduction in OpEx

Seamless Integration with DevOps Tools

Seamless Support for EDGE Deployments

CloudHedge App Modernization

CloudHedge's automated containerization tools enable enterprises to modernize their existing applications to containers to seamlessly deploy on OpenShift.

Discover 100s of Windows (be it as old as Windows 2003), AIX or Linux applications concurrently

Generate assessment reports with findings and recommendations within minutes

Create Lean containers instead of Fat containers

Replatform Java Applications from Windows to Linux or from AIX to Linux

Easy integration with DevOps Tools

Seamless Support for EDGE Deployments

40% Straight Reduction in OpEx

Reduce Licensing Costs