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Enterprise Forecasting

FP-Predict logo
FP-Predict logo

Enterprise Forecasting

By Findability Sciences

Certified enterprise ready

Enterprise Forecasting Automates Data Logistics and Answers, "What will happen?" and "What to do?" with Unmatched Precision. It Provides solutions for Demand Forecasting, Price Predictions, Propensity Predictions, Risk Predictions, Churn Predictions, etc. It is a No-Code platform powered by Findability Platform® and can handle data containing Discrete Target, Continuous Target, and Time Series.

Software version

February 2024

Runs on

OpenShift 4.4

Delivery method


  1. Free trial

    FP-Predict Trial Edition

    For 10 days


    FP-Predict +™, an Automated, self learning, prediction engine that handles Classification, Regression and Time series data and provides accurate results.

    Contact sales

    Up to 100K rows in training data and up to 50K rows in prediction data

    Up to 500 variables, features and columns

    10 days free trial

  2. Annual

    FP-Predict Annual Edition

    Per instance

    $144,000 USD

    FP-Predict +™, an Automated, self learning, prediction engine that handles Classification, Regression, run multiple use cases with no coding.

    Contact sales

    Unlimited rows in training data depending on the size of the and up to 100 K rows in prediction data

    Up to 500 variables, features and columns

    Run multiple use cases with no coding

  3. Monthly

    FP-Predict Monthly Edition

    Per active user

    $14,400 USD

    FP-Predict +™, an Automated, self learning, prediction engine that handles Classification, Regression, run multiple use cases with no coding.

    Contact sales

    Unlimited rows in training data depending on the size of the and up to 100 K rows in prediction data

    Up to 500 variables, features and columns

    Run multiple use cases with no coding

Free trial

FP-Predict Trial Edition

For 10 days


FP-Predict +™, an Automated, self learning, prediction engine that handles Classification, Regression and Time series data and provides accurate results.

Contact sales

Up to 100K rows in training data and up to 50K rows in prediction data

Up to 500 variables, features and columns

10 days free trial


FP-Predict Annual Edition

Per instance

$144,000 USD

FP-Predict +™, an Automated, self learning, prediction engine that handles Classification, Regression, run multiple use cases with no coding.

Contact sales

Unlimited rows in training data depending on the size of the and up to 100 K rows in prediction data

Up to 500 variables, features and columns

Run multiple use cases with no coding


FP-Predict Monthly Edition

Per active user

$14,400 USD

FP-Predict +™, an Automated, self learning, prediction engine that handles Classification, Regression, run multiple use cases with no coding.

Contact sales

Unlimited rows in training data depending on the size of the and up to 100 K rows in prediction data

Up to 500 variables, features and columns

Run multiple use cases with no coding