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leoloXCDC - Informix Change Data Capture Application

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leoloXCDC logo

leoloXCDC - Informix Change Data Capture Application

By leolo IT

Certified for Red Hat Enterprise Linux

The leoloXCDC is a reliable and low-impact solution for capturing data changes of Informix database systems, offering ease of use and flawless integration with BI systems. For systems running 24 hours a day, xCDC can be operated continuously. After capturing a configured amount of data xCDC publishes it automatically.

Software version


Runs on

RHEL 7, 8

Delivery method


  1. Trail Edition

    Test and Run leoloXCDC with all functionalities.

    run a 30 days trial and PoC

    unlimited data volume for every Informix instance

    unlimited transaction volume for every Informix instance

  2. Enterprise Edition

    Based on Informix Instance licence

    Every Informix Instance need one leoloXCDC Licence

    unlimitedt data volume for every Informix instance

    unlimited transaction volume for every Informix instance

Trail Edition

Test and Run leoloXCDC with all functionalities.

run a 30 days trial and PoC

unlimited data volume for every Informix instance

unlimited transaction volume for every Informix instance

Enterprise Edition

Based on Informix Instance licence

Every Informix Instance need one leoloXCDC Licence

unlimitedt data volume for every Informix instance

unlimited transaction volume for every Informix instance