asknet IBM SPSS Statistics Base StudyPack

asknet IBM SPSS Statistics Base StudyPack
By asknet Solutions AG
The asknet IBM SPSS Statistics Base StudyPack offers a comprehensive set of features that cover the entire analytics process. It includes essential stages like data preparation, descriptive statistics, linear regression, graph visualization, and report generation.
Software version
Delivery method
Products purchased on Red Hat Marketplace are supported by the provider. Beyond documentation and developer communities, specialists and product maintainers may be available to address your concerns.
Licences are valid for 12 months and in some cases 6 months.
For the installation of SPSS4Student we recommend these instructions from the IBM Data Science Community: SPSS Statistics on macOS Big Sur (11.0)
The Fix Packs mentioned there can be downloaded after purchase.
You can install your licence on two devices.