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Trips by Distance

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Trips by Distance

By Bureau of Transportation Statistics

Trips by distance data used to estimate the number of people staying home and not staying home

Product type


Update frequency



Jun 7, 2023

Delivery method


Metadata is available for each file version of the dataset. A JSON file can be downloaded once you subscribe to the dataset. The information below is an example of the metadata included in each JSON file.

Dataset file name: Trips_by_Distance.csv

Key Statistics

Total records


Missing values


Duplicate rows











Correlations Correlations are columns within the dataset that have a linear dependency on each other and can be dropped or filtered out when creating models



Correlated columns

Number of Trips 25-50 and Number of Trips, Number of Trips 5-10 and Population Staying at Home, Number of Trips and Number of Trips 1-3, Population Staying at Home and Population Not Staying at Home, Number of Trips 10-25 and Population Not Staying at Home, Number of Trips 50-100 and Number of Trips 100-250, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips and Number of Trips <1, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips 250-500 and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips 250-500 and Number of Trips <1, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips 50-100, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips, Number of Trips 25-50 and Number of Trips 50-100, Number of Trips 10-25 and Population Staying at Home, Number of Trips 50-100 and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips <1, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips 50-100 and Number of Trips <1, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips 250-500, Number of Trips 25-50 and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips and Number of Trips 250-500, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips 250-500, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips 250-500, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 25-50, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips 100-250, Number of Trips 50-100 and Number of Trips, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips 50-100, Number of Trips 100-250 and Number of Trips 1-3, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips <1, Number of Trips <1 and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips <1, Number of Trips 50-100 and Population Not Staying at Home, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 100-250, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips 100-250, Number of Trips and Number of Trips 3-5, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips 1-3 and Number of Trips 3-5, State FIPS and County FIPS, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips 1-3 and Number of Trips >=500, Number of Trips 100-250 and Number of Trips <1, Population Not Staying at Home and Number of Trips >=500, Number of Trips 5-10 and Population Not Staying at Home, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips >=500, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips 25-50 and Number of Trips 100-250, Number of Trips 25-50 and Number of Trips <1, Number of Trips and Number of Trips >=500, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 250-500, Number of Trips 50-100 and Number of Trips 3-5, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips <1 and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips 100-250 and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 50-100, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips 25-50, Number of Trips 250-500 and Number of Trips 3-5, Number of Trips 10-25 and Number of Trips 25-50, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips 10-25, Number of Trips 25-50 and Number of Trips 1-3, Number of Trips and Number of Trips 100-250, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips <1, Number of Trips 25-50 and Population Not Staying at Home, Population Staying at Home and Number of Trips 100-250, Number of Trips 100-250 and Number of Trips 250-500, Number of Trips 5-10 and Number of Trips

Column name


Unique values

Min value

Max value

State FIPS


County FIPS


Population Staying at Home


Population Not Staying at Home


Number of Trips <1


Number of Trips


Number of Trips 1-3


Number of Trips 3-5


Number of Trips 10-25


Number of Trips 5-10


Number of Trips 25-50


Number of Trips 50-100


Number of Trips 100-250


Number of Trips 250-500


Number of Trips >=500




State Postal Code


County Name


Row ID


