Nethopper Kubernetes Application Operations - KAOps - Platform as a Service

Nethopper Kubernetes Application Operations - KAOps - Platform as a Service
By Nethopper
Certified enterprise ready
Nethopper.io is pioneering KAOps, a Kubernetes Application Operations platform as a service for DevOps, with the mission of making Cloud Native applications easy to configure and operate across hybrid, edge, and multiple clusters and clouds.
Software version
Runs on
OpenShift 4.6 - 4.8
Delivery method
Products purchased on Red Hat Marketplace are supported by the provider. Beyond documentation and developer communities, specialists and product maintainers may be available to address your concerns.
No. Nethopper does not make clouds. We make your clouds better. Nethopper is BYOC (bring your own cloud, or cluster). You provide your own cloud infrastructure while Nethopper will help you distribute your application to those clouds, and connect them together as though they were in a single cloud.
Argo CD is a declarative, GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes. It is the best way to deploy and upgrade your applications. Application definitions, configurations, and environments should be declarative and version controlled. Application deployment and lifecycle management should be automated, auditable, and easy to understand.
Skupper is an open-source project created by RedHat. It's a containerized layer 7 router that you can put in a K8s cluster to build a Multi-Cluster Application Network. Pods can communicate securely across Kubernetes clusters with no VPNs or special firewall rules. With Skupper, your application can span multiple cloud providers, data centers, and regions.
Nethopper uses Skupper to securely connect your KAOps tools, clusters, and applications. For example, when ArgoCD attaches a remote cluster, it must connect to remote cluster's K8s API service. Most people expose the K8s API to the internet, and that’s risky. We use skupper to securely attach remote clusters without exposing the K8s API. For another example, if you want to connect your frontend running in one cluster, to your backend database running in a different cluster, we use skupper to do it