Set up product editions

About edition setup

Part of setting up product pricing includes setting up product editions. To set up a product edition, on Partner portal, complete the following steps:

  1. Add edition name, description, and details
  2. Add delivery method
  3. Add commerce model

Add a name, description, and details to a product edition


About this task

When you publish your product, on Red Hat Marketplace, on your product page, on the Pricing tab, each edition shows on its own tile. The name, description, and details tell users about the edition, which helps them make a purchasing decision.


  1. Navigate to product pricing setup.
  2. To add an edition name, on the Edition name box, enter a name.
  3. To add an edition description, on the Edition description box, enter a description.
  4. To add an edition detail, on the Edition details section, on the Detail box, enter a detail. By default, three Detail boxes show.
  5. To add additional details, click Add more. An additional Detail box shows. You can add up to 10 details.
  6. Click Save.


You added a name, description, and details to a product edition.

Add a delivery method to a product edition

Currently, Red Hat Marketplace supports products that include an operator that works with OpenShift, a URL, or a combination of both operator and URL.


  1. Navigate to product pricing setup.
  2. To add a delivery method, on the Edition details section, on the Delivery method list, select one of the following options:
    • Operator
    • SaaS with Operator
    • SaaS
    • Download
  3. Click Save.


Depending on the delivery method, additional fields show on the page.

Next steps

Delivery method field descriptions

OperatorOn Workspace, users can deploy an operator to registered clusters.
SaaS with operatorOn Workspace, users can deploy an operator to registered clusters and can click a link to launch a web application.
SaaSOn Workspace, users can click a link to launch a web application.
DownloadOn Workspace, users can download standalone applications to local computers or mount to registered clusters.

Add a commerce model to a product edition


  1. Navigate to product pricing setup.
  2. To add a commerce model to a product edition, on the Commerce model section, on the How can customers purchase this edition list, select one of the following options:
    • It is a free trial.
    • It is a self-service digital purchase.
    • It is a free edition.
  3. Click Save.


Depending on the commerce model, additional fields show on the page.

Next steps

Commerce model field descriptions

Free editionaccess to the product is free for the duration of the subscription
Self-service digital purchaseaccess to the product requires accepting payment terms for the duration of the subscription
Free trialaccess to a trial version of the product is free

Configure private editions

Private editions show on private offers only. Configure to disable self-service checkout.


About this task

To make a product edition private, configure the edition for private audiences. The edition becomes available through private offers only and hides on the product page.


  1. Navigate to product editions.
  2. To add a private audience to a product edition, on the Audience section, select Private.
  3. Click Save.


The product edition shows on Private offers. The edition hides on the product page.